Results of TransRussia | SkladTech 2024 in figures and facts

More than 30 thousand visitors, 583 exhibitors and other main figures about the held exhibition.
The 28th International exhibition of transport and logistics services, warehouse equipment and technologies TransRussia was held on March 19-21, 2024 in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, together with the 3rd special exposition of warehouse equipment SkladTech. For the first time in 28 years of the exhibition the number of visitors exceeded the mark of 30 thousand people. Read about the exhibition records in this news.
30,217 visitors to the exhibition
TransRussia SkladTech 2024 was visited by 30,217 specialists from 81 regions of Russia and 50 countries of the world, 15,837 specialists have never visited TransRussia SkladTech before, which shows that the audience of the exhibition is regularly renewed.
27,555 specialists are target visitors (excluding personal interests), where 47% are employed in transportation and logistics, forwarding and cargo storage services, 38% are cargo owners and 14% are representatives of related industries.
583 exhibitors of TransRussia | SkladTech
In 2024, 583 companies took part in the exhibition, including 185 foreign and 398 Russian companies. At the same time, more than 250 companies presented their services and equipment at TransRussia | SkladTech for the first time. Compared to 2023, the number of exhibitors increased by a third.

Участие TransRussia | SkladTech 2024 приняли лидеры отрасли: 1C, ADY EXPRESS, ALMARK, Alper Frigo, ATI SU, Atlant, DELO Group (TransContainer, Global Ports, DeloPorts, RUSCON, SASCO), Demetra-Holding, FKKGroup, Istkomtrans, Eurosib, Europak, OTLK ERA, FESCO, GLOBAL LINK, GlobalTrans, IFF, INGOSSTRAKH, KEYSTONE, Loginet, LOGITRANS, MODUL, Modum-Trans, NEPTUNE LOGISTICS GROUP, NOVA, Novotrans, First Freight Company, Olimpik Gama, First Port Company, Polar Star, RZD Business Active, RZD Logistics, Safetrans Line Limited, Sitronics Group, STEIN FREIGHT, SWIFT RUS, TFL, United Wagon Company, Volga-Dnepr Airlines, TRANS SINERGIA, TLC Elektrougli, X5 TRANSPORT and many others. Exhibitors list 2024 >>>
SkladTech: 41% growth
Year after year, the special exposition of warehouse equipment SkladTech demonstrates steady growth. In 2024, 13,157 specialists familiarized themselves with warehouse equipment and technologies. Of these, 7,323 visited the special exposition for the first time. Managerial positions - from department head to company owner - occupy 71% of SkladTech visitors.
SkladTech 2024 exhibitors include: Asia MH, ATEUCO, Aurora Forklift, AXELOT, ANT Technologies, BIXOLON, COMITAS, Eurokara, FIRST, Intekey, INFOTECH, Jungheinrich, LogistiX, Micron, Mikskar, NOBLELIFT, Octron, Machine Island, POSCenter, Qingdao Aohai Ruitai Industrial, Qingdao Huashine Intelligent Technology, Riqian, Shanghai Xinfan Industrial Corporation, Skanport, STELKON, STELLMART, TD “Vertikal”, Trakresurs-Region, Photomechanika and others.
Three days of intensive business program
Every year the exposition of the exhibition is supplemented by an extensive business program. Specialists could get acquainted with actual statistics and expert experience during international and industry conferences. The business program included 185 speakers, their reports were read by 3,426 delegates.
The key event of the business program was the 28th International Conference for cargo owners and carriers "TransRussia". It was traditionally attended by representatives of the authorities and top managers of the largest Russian logistics companies, where they summarized the results of 2023 and determined the main vectors of market development for the coming year.