Press release TransRussia | SkladTech 2024

This year’s exhibition will be the largest in its history. It will be attended by 580 companies from 20 countries, which is one third more than last year. The exhibition area will exceed 40,000 sq. m.
TransRussia 2024, the 28th International Exhibition for Transport and Logistics Services, will be held on 19-21 March at Crocus Expo jointly with SkladTech, the 3rd Annual Exposition for Warehouse Solutions, Equipment and Services. Once again TransRussia | SkladTech gathers the largest industry players as the leading professional exhibition in Russia and the CIS.
Transport logistics services and solutions
TransRussia exposition consists of 13 sections covering a wide range of services and equipment for the entire supply chain. Domestic and foreign operators of freight rail, road, sea and air transportation, port operators, terminals and warehouses, forwarding companies, developers and suppliers of IT solutions, customs brokers, insurance companies and companies providing complex logistics solutions will present full range of their products and services.
For the first time the exhibition will have Equipment Area including exhibits of AlyansTransTorg, Soyuz-Logistic, TransAtlantic, FTC Sotrans. E-commerce Logistics Section will introduce the services of CIMTRANS, Emdoor Information Co. Ltd., JoomPro, GBS-Broker, Magic Trans, TC Kit, Local Partner, ATEK and AKFA.
The following companies will display their stands at the exhibition: 1C, ADY EXPRESS, ALMARK, Alper Frigo, ATI SU, Atlant, DELO Group (TransContainer, Global Ports, DeloPorts, RUSCON, SASCO), Demetra-Holding, FKKGroup, Eastkomtrans, Eurosib, Europak, OTLK ERA, FESCO, GLOBAL LINK, GlobalTrans, IFF, INGOSSTRAKH, KEYSTONE, LOGITRANS, MODUL, Modum-Trans, National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy", NEPTUNE LOGISTICS GROUP, NOVA, Novotrans, First Freight Company, Olimpik Gama, First Port Company, Polar Star, RZD Business Active, RZD Logistics, Safetrans Line Limited, Sitronics Group, STEIN FREIGHT, SWIFT RUS, TFL, United Wagon Company, Volga-Dnepr Airlines, TRANS SINERGIA, TLC Elektrougli, X5 TRANSPORT and many others.
TransRussia 2024 debutants: C-SHIPPING, VTB, ESTMA, Holding-Finance Broker, Guangdong Ming Forest Industrial Investment, Logareon, NECO LINE, ITECO, RIMA, Sitronics Group, AHV-TRANS, Bank Tochka, TETRIS Container Terminal, Transresource, Loginet, SDM-Bank and ZUNAMI.
SkladTech: warehouse logistics services and solutions
SkladTech is the third special exposition of warehouse equipment held in conjunction with TransRussia. Each year it introduces leading manufacturers and distributors of warehouse equipment, storage systems, handling equipment, order picking and packing equipment and materials, as well as manufacturers and distributors of labeling and scanning technologies.
SkladTech will host 68 companies including: Asia MH, ATEUCO, Aurora Forklift, AXELOT, ANT Technologies, BIXOLON, COMITAS, Eurokara, FIRST, Intekey, INFOTECH, Jungheinrich, LogistiX, OZ Mikron, Mikskar, NOBLELIFT, Octron, Machine Island, POSCenter, Qingdao Aohai Ruitai Industrial, Qingdao Huashine Intelligent Technology, Riqian, Shanghai Xinfan Industrial Corporation, Skanport, STELKON, STELLMART, TD "Vertical", Trakresurs-Region, Photomechanika and others.
Synergy of the two large-scale expositions TransRussia and SkladTech provides exhibitors and guests with the opportunity to spend three days of the exhibition efficiently: to get acquainted with the widest range of novelties, services and solutions offered by the largest industry players, to hold negotiations and find new partners, as well as to take part in the intense business program.
Business program
TransRussia | SkladTech 2024 Business Program matches the scale of the event. Transport and Logistics Congress "TRANSRUSSIA" runs for all three days of the exhibition. Its program includes 5 industry conferences and over 185 speakers. Business Program Details and Schedule >>>
This year the main topics will cover key logistics trends for 2023-2024, new export routes, role and place of cross-border transportation in the existing Russian market, comparison with global trends, peculiarities of interaction with Customs, prospects for development of Russian freight transportation industry, IT solutions in logistics, introduction of artificial intelligence in the management of supplies and cargo storage, and much more.
Congress Experts: Dmitry Volvach, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Sergey Pavlov, First Deputy General Director of Russian Railways, Irina Olkhovskaya, General Director of United Wagon Company, Ekaterina Lyakhova, General Director of Delo Operating Company, Maxim Astashin, Commercial Director of Volga-Dnepr Airlines, Sergey Berezkin, President of Ruscon LLC, German Maslov, Line Logistics Division Vice-President of FESCO Transportation Group, Elena Konkina, Deputy General Director for Commercial Activities of Moscow Cargo LLC, Ludwig Tarhanian, Europack LLC General Director; Alexey Grom, General Director — Chairman of the Management Board, UTLC ERA; Alexander Kakhidze, General Director of Fininvest Group, Vadim Filatov, PEC co-owner and Deputy Director, Alipour Samaneh, CEO of Behineh Tarabar Azhour - International Railway Transport and Logistics / Iran, Bilgehan Enguin, President of the Association of International Freight Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers (UTIKAD) / Turkey, Lin Beijan, Chairman of International Freight Railway Express Alliance (IFREA) / China, Shankar Shinde Chairman, Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations of India (FFFAI) / India, Anthony Chung, Commercial Director of Shanghai International Shipping Agency Ltd. / ISACO Group, Andrey Severilov, Chairman of DVMP Board of Directors, Igor Shatsky, OKEY Logistics Director, Janis Bolotaev, Director of Sberlogistics Warehousing Operations Department, Vasily Demin, Executive Director of Logistics Coordination Council, Alexey Ermakov, Logistics Director of Snezhnaya Koroleva, Vyacheslav Goryainov, Head of Internet Store Development, leader of VkusVill Assembly microservice, Maxim Granik, Logistics Director of DNS division and others.
Co-organizers of TRANSROSSIA 2024 Transport and Logistics Congress are the largest professional associations: International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation (CCTT), National Union of Experts in Transport and Logistics.
Congress partners: ZUNAMI, Logistics Coordination Council (LCC), Digital Transport and Logistics (DTL) Association, European Business Association, Russian Railways-Partner, Professional Council for Supply Chains, Public Consumer Initiative, Solar, ACEX.
TransRussia Expo Strategic Partner: Delo Group
TransRussia Expo Official Partner: ZUNAMI
TransRussia Expo Official Sponsor Bank: VTB Bank
SkladTech Expo Strategic Partner: HELI
Wi-Fi Partner: Novostal-M Logistic
General Media Partner: Russian Railways-Partner