Find out the exhibitors of TransRussia | SkladTech 2024

A list of TransRussia | SkladTech exhibitors has been published on the website. More than 480 companies will take part in TransRussia | SkladTech 2024.
The published list contains exhibitors* of the largest transport and logistics exhibition in Russia and the CIS TransRussia and a special exposition of warehouse equipment SkladTech. In the exhibitors list you will find a brief description of the company, contact details and stand number.
TransRussia | SkladTech 2024 Exhibitors*The list is being actively updated and will be finalized by the beginning of the exhibition
Find out what 480+ companies have to offer
TransRussia exhibitors are companies operating freight transportation of all types: rail, road, sea and air, as well as port operators, companies owning terminals and warehouses, forwarding companies, customs brokers, providers of related services and IT solutions.
On the same site with them, as part of the special exposition SkladTech, manufacturers of racking systems, handling equipment for warehouses and terminals, developers of IT solutions for warehouse automation and robotization, suppliers of solutions for labeling, packaging, sorting.
Participation in TransRussia | SkladTech 2024 was confirmed by 480+ companies. Among them are 1C-Rarus, ASIA MH, ATEUCO, ATI.SU, AURORA FORKLIFT, AXELOT, COMITAS, GC Delo, Demetra-Holding, Eastcomtrans, Eurosib, FESCO, FIRST, INGOSSTRAKH, ITECO, Jungheinrich, Micron, MODULE, Modum-Trans, OCTRON, RZD Business Asset, RZD Logistics, STELKON, Stellmart, SWIFT, TD Vertical, TransResurs, United Wagon Company, Volga-Dnepr Airlines, X5 TRANSPORT and many others. More than 160 companies will participate in the exhibition for the first time.