Promocode and promotion

Your clients and partners will need a ticket to visit your stand. You can get and promote among your visitors your company’s individual promocode to enable free admission.
The promocode enables visitors to get a free e-ticket on the organizer’s website. One promocode enables unlimited multiple registrations.
To get the maximum results and return on time and investment, take advantage of free promotional materials TransRussia has developed specifically for you.
Place banners on your company’s most popular web pages, including the main page and the contact page. We recommend placing them in advance: the earlier you place them, the more visitors you get.
Add to the banners your company’s individual link to the registration page by replacing the word PROMOCODE in the following link. In this case visitors will see your promocode on the registration page.
Download >>>Corporate signature
Download the logo or the banner and add it to your corporate e-mail signature. Add to the logo or banners your company’s individual link to the registration page by replacing the word PROMOCODE in the following link.
Download >>>News and digests
TransRussia | SkladTech 2025 Exhibitors may send news about the company, new products, and services to be posted on TransRussia website. It will arouse interest in the company among new audiences even before the exhibition starts.
Technical specifications for news:
News and announcements for posting must be in the Word format.
Title: 70 characters with spaces
Subtitle: 115 characters with spaces
Text: 300-800 characters with spaces
Photos (required): 1-2 horizontal photos (1280 x 720 pixel)
TransRussia 2025 Digest is a compilation of up-to-date and useful information. In each digest we introduce our visitors to the exhibition and post exhibitors’ news.
Digest release period: January - March
Language: Russian
Technical specifications for TransRussia Digest:
Subject: TransRussia | SkladTech 2025/Company name/News for Digest
Company name and stand #: ________________
Target audience:
Text: 3-4 sentences "Why visitors should attend your stand at TransRussia"
If you have any questions, please, contact us:
Alexandra Kiryanova
Tel.: +7 (968) 443 82 39