Equipment & Components at TransRussia:
- Rolling Stock, wagons, fitting platforms, containers, tanks and tank-containers
- Trucks, Lorries, SPMTs, Trailers
- Cranes and Loading Equipment
- Tires
- Components and other equipment
Leading Russian and International manufacturing and service companies will present equipment, components and services of repair and maintenance services for ports and terminals, vehicles at the TranRussia 2025.
At the exhibition you will find the necessary equipment and services for your business tasks:
- Cranes and loading equipment manufacturers for industrial complex backbone enterprises, shipbuilding, ports and terminals
- Rolling stock, fitting platforms, containers and freight cars/gondola cars/tanks manufacturers
- Rental services, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment.
Among of TransRussia 2024 Exhibitors:
Container Deshevo, MyContainers, ALTAIVAGON, BALTKRAN, MANAK - AUTO, Mechatronics, United Wagon Company, REGIONTRANSERVICE, ROMEK, TransResource, EcoResina and others.